Our History

 New Pharm is a Lebanese company established in 1995 in Akbieh city.

We are a company that have a legal form (S.A.R.L) and we are registered under the number 15455.

New Pharm is specialized in sales and distribution of medicines, cosmetics and babies supplies.

We are covering a large surface in Lebanon starting from the north to the south passing the whole Beirut to the Lebanese mountain.

New Pharm is certified from the international certification network concerning the implementation and maintaining a Quality Management System which fulfills the requirements of the following standard ISO 9001:2015 under the number 1042261.

New Pharm has this certification since 2004 and we are the first storing company in Lebanon who own this certification.

New Pharm has 100 employs and 15 sales representatives working to provide the best selling services to our customers.

Our Mission

At New Pharm we believe being a responsible corporate citizen is not only the right thing to do, but the right thing to do for our business and health services.

Company Mission:

  • To improve quality of life by providing value added.
  • To achieve our objectives through a high commitment with pharmacies to go with our organization to a high level of success.
  • To provide for every pharmacy and healthcare an effective professional care also to be always a leader in giving innovative solutions.
  • To provide a convenient and easy access to pharmacy.
  • To improve the health service and well-being of communities.
  • To provide superior service to customers to gain their trust.

Our Vision

Our vision is to be the most successful, valuable and respectful company in Lebanon. We aim to be a company that customers and society want, to earn our customers’ loyalty; we must listen to them, anticipate their needs and act to create value in their eyes.

Also to grow from a good pharmacy business to a great healthcare brand that is recognized as Lebanese leading drugstore in the provision of healthcare, health products.

To be known as reliability, flexibility, responsiveness, innovative products and services, and exemplary citizenship. Growth, longevity and financial success will naturally follow. This will provide us a substantial competitive advantage over others.

We will add to life’s enjoyment through all of our products, services and relationships.

Quality Policy

We aim at New Pharm s.a.r.l.:

-Earn the trust of customers in dealing with the company.

-Increase the coverage areas.

-Seeking to maintain privileged relationships with suppliers.

-Compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

New Pharm; Management and Employees are committed for application of the

quality management system:

ISO 9001:2015            

in addition to good storage and distribution conditions:


And maintain and improve the quality system constantly to ensure the requirements

of the customers and their satisfaction.

General Manager

Mr. Issam Khalife

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